Dream of Doll Shall
Shall has caught my attention a few times before. Even though her face mold is quite mangish imho, I find her sweet, cute and mature enough to match my expectations. And, vain as I am, I believe we bear some resamblence to each other.
Iplehouse Jessica
Most naturally and sexy looking bjd out there.
It's extremely hard to find a trully life-looking bjd as they tend to be extra-heavy influenced by manga aesthetics and hence extremly, extremly skinny. Fortunately, Iplehouse created a line E.I.D. where both female and male models look very life-like. Still idealized to extremes, but like real human beings.
And her cleavage...
Dollmore Amelia Lecc
I genuinely love her face mold, she resembles the ideal of a vampire I have in my head and seems to be a materialization of my beloved WoD vampire character, a Cappadocian Macrina whom I've always imagined with HER face exactly!
Iplehouse Luna the Tamer
Iplehouse released this limited doll belonging to their Noctarana Circus collection when I've already decided on a Soom and this particular doll was THIS close from changing my plans. "Why" shouldn't really be a question - she's a kitty and I'm a sucker for kitties. But I wasn't too fond of any of her face molds: human one wasn't in my taste, cat one seemed too cartoon-stylized as well. I loved her body, I admired her claw-hands, but paw-feet also didn't drop my jaw to the floor... not after Soom Chrom's paws (which are precisely what I want for my future kitty! on a side note, if Soom decided to let out a grey-skinned kitty-girl, I won't be able to say no... neither for a boy... this scares the shit out of me and my wallet!).
I had A LOT deliberation over Luna, but in the end I've decided that it's not enough for a doll to meet the principles of my wishes but she has to do it in a way that truly satisfies me.