Tuesday, 3 July 2012


I was dreaming about a Pure Tan Rosette for more than a year, I guess closer to 2 years even.
I was advertising the idea to BJD community and to Soom themaselves, and actively working to convince Soom not to replace Pure body with Muse altogether.

In May, Soom made the Rosette Free Choice event - and i was so, SO happy!
I ordered Camille on Pure Girl body in Tan, but right away I was a bit unsure wheter I should actually go for Lady. I like the bigger breastsm my Fir and Violet are both Ladies too and I have loads of clothes. And more importantly, the nice, tanned skin screams for big boobs, too!

So I decided to ask Soom to change it.
And here is where the regrets kick in: according to Customer Representative Victoria, it is impossible at the moment. I am so grief-stricken right now..! I'm trying to figure out what to do... I asked Soom if there's anything I can do to get a Lady bust in Tan with my order and I am actually considering asking them if I can make an order for annother Tan Rosette right now, after the sale period has ended (I would sell her head on Girl body as soon as it got to me)...

And so, I managed to ruin what would be the happiest order in my hobby history :(

Edit: I managed to convince Soom to change my order :) I'm so happy!
I described to them at lenght how important the body type is for my character and they did it. I love them!