Well at least I have some time to prepare and I can conveniently spread finances.
As Yrie (who shall be named Lilitu) will assume both male and female roles, as well as simply being a Super-Deformed version of Galena (named Lilith), I needed some wigs for it. As I was ordering it, I didn't really like the default wig Yrie was coming with, so I swapped it for annother soom 6-6.5 inch wig (which I believe to be the one added to Beyla):
This was the best I could come up from Sooms offer, but it had the bangs... and I hate bangs! (as for a side note, I am so happy Galena's default wig doesn't have 'em...) Also, it was nowhere near Galena's wig, as it came out later on, so I needed something else.
I ended up ordering 3 wigs from For My Doll.

Before My Sweets get here I also need to buy a 30inch (70cm) carriage bags. I found quite a few companies that make 'em (unfortunately, Soom seems to always be out >.>) and I decided to make my final decision based on other items I would buy along. And yesterday it (unfortunately) struck me...
There are two outfits in otherwise cheap Dollmore store that stand out with price; before yesterday I looked at them without approval as they seemed only those cheap, Asian imitations like the rest of Dollmore store... it's cheap, but the quality isn't outstanding: you get what you pay for, or at least never more!
But yesterday, I've seen them in a totally new light, shed upon them by the wonderful figure of Galena...
The outfits I have on mind are two (for Model Doll and for Super Dollfie size) dresses that seem to be based on ancient Korean court dresses, red for MD and black for SD. They - or at least the MD one - seem to be so etheric and giving the doll wearing them a divine look that when I pictured them on my Bird Girl, I got swooned away and I can't stop thinking about them.
And 'them' is the problem because each of them costs around $150 so together they would cost almost as much as a whole doll... So I am trying my best to kick one of them out of my head.
Oriental Onyx Dress Set for SD by Dollmore
When I was looking at it before, it seemed the more "decent" one of the too; probably because I don't like pink while I loooove lack and because black usually seems more stylish. I am not so sure anymore though...

Celestial Dress Set for MD
I used to regard this one as a more kitsch one of the two. The pinks and reds... I was totally unable to picture my future doll in this outfit, but now it's growing on me with every passing hour and becoming almost irresistible..! Maybe it's the posing of the doll and the dress (because those outfits defenetly need posing!), maybe the fact that this color set is more 'natural'...
The longer I think about it, the more I want this one and the less I need the Onyx one. I will wait and see 'till Soom releases their next MD to see if there's going to be something to my liking and probably go for it.

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