Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Been shopping

Soom goes Clover by Clamp
Soom did it again - they are on the lookout for my wallet...
I've always admired Clamp's aesthetics, especially in Clover... Those two limited dolls made me speechless...
Unfortunatelly (or fortunatelly) I was not able to ditch out for both of them and I couldn't imagine giving up on any, so I've only ordered their wing parts, but this also means two lovely Rosette girls just joined my wishlist!
Not sure when this will happen, because I want one of them in tan skin (replacing tan Teenie Gem on my list): like I planned for a tan TG, she would wear gold yellow eyes and dark wig...
The pale skin one, which will probably be Fir, has already been assigned pink wig and green eyes.
CAN.NOT.WAIT! Come on Soom, you can do it!

Soom Nephelin
I went crazy over her aesthetics... If I could afford a full set, I would definietly get her, but my finances did not allow for it. But I hunted DoA Marketplace and was succesful in getting her dress and horns at first (which were on the top of my must-have list at that moment), and later also her wig and long dragon hands.

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